BC Mail Plus
Historical Scanning of Regional BC Assessment files

December 2019 – May 15, 2019
Objective: BC Mail Plus required the storage, scanning and naming of 375 bankers’ boxes of Regional BC Assessment files. It included the scanning and naming of approximately 160,000 folders that contain large format drawings and maps, photographs, and standard paper documents both bound and loose. The scanned documents were uploaded on a weekly basis to a secure FTP site along with a progress report.
Turnaround time: Documents were to be scanned and uploaded on a weekly basis, approximately 375 boxes to be delivered by May 15th, 2019.
Challenges: Assessment Files were divided into multiple Regions, and each region had slightly different or radically different scanning and coding instructions; File composition and organization varied and therefore preparation instructions varied by region.
Solutions: Documents were organized by region, and sample boxes were done for each; any anomalies were documented throughout the scanning process and discussed with the client to ensure uniformity. As new instructions came to light, staff was briefed, and updated instruction documentation was provided as a reference.
Results: The department is satisfied with our work thus far; we have completed and delivered 375 banker’s boxes of documents.
- BC Mail delivers Skids of boxes to DOCUdavit via 3rd party courier
- Boxes are barcoded and separated into Regions for organization, scanning and delivery
- Each document was scanned to an enhanced single searchable PDF/A file at 300 dpi
- Drawings, photographs and illegible documents were scanned in colour
- All other documentation was scanned to black and white or greyscale
- Files were rotated and enhanced to the best level possible based on the image provided
- Quality Controlled the images to verify document image, page count and name accuracy, removal of unnecessary blank pages
- Ongoing off-site backup of scanned images for 10 years
- Disaster Recovery Services for scanned images
- Scan, name, and upload files on-demand (90 minutes from request) while we were scanning the files
- Files were reassembled back to their original state post-scanning
- Boxes were delivered back to the client, one skid at a time, once images were uploaded