Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)

November 22, 2020 – March 31, 2021
Objective: The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) sought the services of a vendor who could provide the following services: Unitization, Barcoding, Coding, Scanning, naming, quality control, metadata indexing, and electronic upload of approximately 3,173 boxes of Pension and Legal Files. Work was completed in 132 days on time and under budget including an additional 196 boxes scanned and 826 boxes unitized categorized and coded – for a total of 3,214 boxes processed.
Scope I – Document Unitization, Barcoding and Coding
- 826 Boxes Coding and Metadata Creation
Scope II – Document Digitization
- 3,214 Boxes Scanned
Turnaround time: Project was to be completed by March 31st, 2021.
Results: The department is very satisfied with our work since it was completed on time, under budget including 196 boxes scanned beyond the original project scope. We are currently setting up next steps to scan more of their collection.
- Boxes were picked up from Toronto ON across multiple pick-ups
- Pictures were taken of all box face at the FSRA facility prior to removal and compared to DOCUdavit’s Intake list to ensure all boxes were transported
- Boxes were batched by skid, and barcoded upon entry into the facility
- Each individual box was barcoded in order to keep track of the documents throughout the scanning process.
- 826 Boxes were Unitized, barcoded, and coded (document level) prior to entering the Scanning process
- 6,558,269 of pages were scanned
- 270,735 documents were indexed
- Metadata was collected manually and automatically
- An uninterrupted level of service was provided, as well as cross-training to ensure knowledgeable personnel are always available.
- The project ran 6 days per week, with 2 shifts per day in order to meet the deliverables
- Completed files were uploaded via a secure FTP site provided by DOCUdavit Solutions and included a descriptive report. Files were also available within 4 hours of a request via Secure FTP
- 100% Quality Assurance of the images was done to verify image quality, metadata accuracy, and indexing accuracy against the physical documents
- The project was completed on time, under budget, and 196 more boxes were completed than the original commitment
- Scanning was performed at 300 dpi in black and white, greyscale or colour where appropriate
- The final images were saved as PDF files
Original documents were securely stored for the duration of the scanning period and returned to the client post-scanning.