Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Energy and Resources
Scanning of Regional Oil and Gas Well Logs

Phase 1: March 1, 2019 – December 16, 2019
Phase 2: March 31, 2019 – March 31, 2020
The Ministry of Energy and Resources requested a vendor to digitize approximately 50% of the 2,177 boxes containing approximately 350,000 paper well log documents that requires digitization, indexing and metadata capture. Each well logs is between 8-10 inches wide, and the length varies from 20 to 50 feet. The scanned documents and their respective metadata will be uploaded and made public through the Ministry’s online Mineral Assessment Database for future access and reference.
The Remaining 1030 boxes were scanned during Phase 2, project details were all the same, timeline was longer.
Turnaround time: Phase 1: Project was to be completed, delivered and invoiced by March 31, 2019.
Challenges: Phase 1: Staying within budget and completing a minimum of 1,100 Boxes of scanning and metadata collection in 31 days.
Solutions: Phase 1: DOCUdavit did extensive planning and preparation upfront to ensure the correct project processes and quality control measures were in place and added resources and shifts throughout the lifecycle of the project in order to meet and exceed all of the Ministries requirements.
Turnaround time – Phase 2: Project was to be completed, delivered and invoiced by March 31, 2020 (3.5 months).
Results: Phase 1 and 2: The department is very satisfied with our work since it was completed on time, under budget and with an additional 63 boxes completed in the final days of the project.
Phase 1:
- 1163 boxes were picked up from Regina, Saskatchewan
- 29,714,738 inches of well log documents were scanned
- 142,454 well logs were indexed
- 13 fields of data were coded per well log, for a total of 1,851,902 fields coded
Phase 2:
- 1030 boxes were picked up from Regina, Saskatchewan
- 23,452,474.11 inches of well log documents were scanned
- 117,888 well logs were indexed
- 13 fields of data were coded per well log, for a total of 1,532,544 fields coded
Phase 1 &2:
- Boxes were batched by skid, and barcoded upon entry into the facility
- Each individual well log was barcoded in order to keep track of the document throughout the scanning process; that same unique barcode number was used to associate the metadata collected from each well log to the scanned image
- Well logs were indexed/named using proprietary software, created specifically for this project
- Metadata was collected manually, using a team of 16 coders
- 7 specialized well log scanners were used to complete this project, with a team of 14 scanner operators
- An uninterrupted level of service was provided, as well as cross-training to ensure knowledgeable personnel are always available.
- The project ran 7 days per week, with a minimum of 2 shifts per day in order to meet the deliverables
- Completed files were uploaded onto 3 external hard drives and shipped overnight to the client along with the metadata and a descriptive report. Logs were also available within 4 hours of a request via Secure FTP
- Quality Assurance of the images was done to verify image quality, metadata accuracy, and indexing accuracy
- The project was completed on time, under budget, and 63 more boxes were completed than the original commitment
- Scanning was performed at 300 dpi in black and white, greyscale or colour where appropriate
- The final images were saved as TIFF files, as well as PDF files
Original documents will be securely destroyed between 90 days to 1 year, as the ministry sends approval.