Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO)
Binders of records transfer lists from the 1950-2010, Microfilmed Document

October 16, 2017 – November 6, 2017
- Binders: Ministry of Transport Ontario (MTO) had 64 binders of record transfer lists that were maintained in St. Catharines Ontario. These transfer lists were being access by offices across the province and took a substantial amount of time and resources to search, retrieve, copy and submit to the requesting party. MTO wanted to digitize the collection so that they could be uploaded to their SharePoint database which permitted access across the enterprise. They also required the documents to be indexed according to five key fields to facilitate the search and access process. Since these documents were quite old, MTO wanted to maintain the integrity of the images and have them scanned to PDF/A-2B format. DOCUdavit Solutions organized and prepared the documents, then digitally captured, typically by high-speed document scanning. 100% of the records were imaged in their entirety (no skipped pages or missed transitions from single sided to double-sided pages), scans were legible, and correctly named. Each page of the records was imaged so that all information on the record page that is discernible to the naked eye is clearly legible without aid on paper copies generated from the resulting digital images. Totally blank pages were not included in the image file for the Client.
- Microfilm: MTO also has a repository of 275 rolls of 35mm microfilm and 325 rolls of 16mm microfilm that the wanted digitized and tagged. Since the microfilms was quite old MTO wanted to maintain the integrity of the images and have them scanned to PDF/A-2B format. All microfilm images are to be digitally certified in order to ensure their integrity, authenticity and longevity. Files will be rotated, cropped and enhanced to the level possible based on the image provided. DOCUdavit Solutions is in the initial stages of this project.
Results: After the binder project were received with no errors, on time, and under budget, they have engaged us to work with them on the microfilm project shortly afterwards.
Turnaround time: Each project was to be completed, delivered and invoiced within 30 days.
- 64 Binders of records transfer lists from the 1950-2010 located in St. Catharine’s Ontario
- Approximately 21,212 legal and standard page documents (smaller than 11” x 17”)
- An uninterrupted level of service was provided, as well as cross-training to ensure knowledgeable personnel are always available.
- 20%, of the lists are hand-written
- 10% of the paper is thin and flimsy
- Transfer lists needed to be scanned in individual pdf files
- Scanned documents are searchable by Adobe Reader
- Manual verification and corrections of four form fields and “Transfer Number” was performed
- Files were scanned to allow file to be searchable on 45 key fields
- Completed files were uploaded on a weekly basis to a secure FTP site, along with a descriptive report.
- The project was completed on time and under budget
- Scanning was performed at 300 dpi
- Pages Scanned in black and white, grayscale or colour (as required)
- Original documents were securely destroyed 90 days after file delivery
- Make Arrangements for pickup of initial 275 35mm films from St. Catharine’s Ontario
- Setup process for each film
- Scan each file to an enhanced single searchable PDF/A-2B file at 300 dpi
- All Files will be Certified as part of our process which ensures:
- The integrity of the document and allows for flagging of any alterations made
- Authenticity consists of embedding the proofs of origin and integrity within the document
- Longevity ensures that the document will be readable and verifiable for decades
- Files will be scanned to black and white
- Files will be rotated, cropped and enhanced to the level possible based on the image provided
- Quality Assurances the images to verify document image, page count and name accuracy, removal of unnecessary blank pages
- Ongoing off-site backup of scanned images for 120 months
- Ongoing service, support and training for the scanned images for 2 years following scanning
- Disaster Recovery Services for scanned images
- Scan, name, and upload files on-demand (90 minutes from request) while we are scanning the files
- Microfilms will be securely store for 90 days after delivery of the images at no additional charge