Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
Library Conversion Project

July 17, 2017 – August 21, 2017
OFIFC was using a hardcopy library containing a variety of books, reports, and publications cassette tapes, VHS tapes and CD’s. OFIFC was renovating their library space and no longer had room to store the publications, magazines and books, which were on shelves and in boxes. OFIFC wanted to convert these publications into a digital format for the continued use by its staff and members. In cooperation with OFIFC, DOCUdavit Solutions verified the ability to duplicate all media via copyright for each publication.
DOCUdavit Solutions made arrangements to pick up and pack all of the materials.
DOCUdavit Solutions organized and prepared the documents by various types which included sur-locked and bound books and pamphlets, video and audio tapes, and paper files. We then set-up file preparation and conversion stations for the various media.
Paper: We digitally captured the paper files typically by high-speed document scanning. 100% of the records were imaged in their entirety (no skipped pages or missed transitions from single sided to double-sided pages), scans were legible, and correctly named. Each page of the records was imaged so that all information on the record page that is discernible to the naked eye is clearly legible without aid on paper copies generated from the resulting digital images. Totally blank pages were not included in the image file for the Client.
Video: All video media were setup and converted to digital format. Staff ensured that all contents was maintained and readable on each tape, CD or DVD. DOCUdavit Solutions identified defective video media and salvaged all possible contents.
Audio: All audio tapes were converted to digital format ensuring that all content was maintained and audible on all media. DOCUdavit Solutions identified defective video media and salvaged all possible content.
Results: The OFIFC was extremely satisfied with our work as it was on time, under budget.
Turnaround time: Project was to be completed, delivered and invoiced by August 21, 2017.
- 81 boxes were packed and picked up from OFIFC offices
- 575 VHS Tapes
- 233 audio and video CD’s and DVDs
- 72 Audio cassettes
- 29 defective VHS, CD and Audio cassettes.
- Approximately 280,000 legal and standard page documents (smaller than 11” x 17”) contained in books, publications, magazines
- An uninterrupted level of service was provided, as well as cross-training to ensure knowledgeable personnel are always available.
- Completed files were uploaded on a weekly basis to a secure FTP site, along with a descriptive report.
- The project was completed on time and under budget
- Scanning was performed at 300 dpi
- Pages Scanned in black and white, grayscale or colour (as required)
- Original documents were securely destroyed 90 days after file delivery