Wajax HR
Scanning of Human Resources Records

March 2020 – May 2021
Objective: Scanning all Human Resources to searchable PDF for inclusion into their HR Software. Project was multiple phases covering three locations across Canada for a total of 130 boxes.
Results: Project delivered on time and under budget.
Turnaround time: Project deadlines were required to meet the implementation of the client’s new software.
Project was started at the prior to the beginning of the pandemic and continued throughout including pickups. Project ran and flowed smoothly even with logistical challenges. Pickup were set up to minimize contact and pack and pickup as many boxes as possible.
- Scanned 209,987 standard page documents (smaller than 11” x 17”)
- Named 2083 employee files
- Files were sorted and categorized into three categories, and which created 5,457 individual pdf files for upload
- An uninterrupted level of service was provided, as well as cross-training to ensure knowledgeable personnel are always available
- Coordinated files formats, metadata, coding specifications with client and their HR software vendor
- Completed files were uploaded as phases were completed to a secure FTP site, along with a descriptive report.
- The project was completed on time and under budget
- Scanning was performed at 300 dpi
- Pages Scanned in black and white, grayscale or colour (as required)
- Original documents were securely destroyed 90 days after file delivery