The transition to a paperless office is often bumpy, but it’s worth doing. Digitizing the stacks of paper files and documents your business accumulates over the years takes some time, intentional deci [...]
The transition to a paperless office is often bumpy, but it’s worth doing. Digitizing the stacks of paper files and documents your business accumulates over the years takes some time, intentional deci [...]
Data is the lifeblood and fuel of any organization, and hackers know it. They are using new techniques to breach the most secure servers and steal data from companies. Data encryption is one of the mo [...]
Typical, standard letter-sized paper or even legal-sized paper is adequate for most everyday use cases, whether you’re printing and scanning in an office setting or working from home. Letter-sized pap [...]
Office space is expensive, and in an increasingly remote working world, many Canadian businesses are downsizing their office space. Whether you’re moving to a smaller office or eliminating the physica [...]
Document management is an important part of corporate law. From minute book software to filing employment contracts, a company’s legal documents need to be kept accurate, organized, and safe. They als [...]
Every aspect of running a business has changed dramatically with the rise of remote working. This new setting opens a lot of new challenges (as well as fixes others) for business owners and employees. [...]
2021 may well have been one of the hardest years of the pandemic. Althoughrestrictions were (somewhat) less severe, business all across Canada was starting to pick upspeed. This was certainly the case [...]
Did you know that paperless offices, where the use of paper is eliminated or significantly reduced, tend to have higher productivity, better organization, and greater security? In addition to this, th [...]
Whether you’re a start-up or a large corporation, human resources will always be an essential part of your business - and whether you’re working from home or coming into the office, you’ll need to be [...]
All businesses operating in Canada, from multinational corporations to the smallest start-ups, are required to keep business records for six years. A document management solution like Docudavit stores [...]