Can document management make your accounting work easier? We at DOCUdavit say yes it can. The sheer amount of processes that can be improved with a consistent and efficient document management workflo [...]
Can document management make your accounting work easier? We at DOCUdavit say yes it can. The sheer amount of processes that can be improved with a consistent and efficient document management workflo [...]
The signature is a symbol as old as time. Verbal conversations use a handshake to seal an agreement, and written documents require a signature on paper to signify both parties have come to a consensus [...]
DOCUdavit is proud to announce we’ve won a Canadian Small Business Excellence Award for 2019. We’re honoured to be included on a list encompassing some of Canada’s most inspiring businesses, such as A [...]
Human resources is a growing field. Many HR professionals have had to adapt to a changing landscape, including implementing human resources document management best practices into their workflows. Wit [...]
In this day and age, many businesses are moving solely online to cut costs and increase productivity. Accounting firms and in-house accountants are no different. In fact, due to the numbers-heavy natu [...]
These days, the best document scanning software and document management solutions can add hours to your day. Think of all the time you spend categorizing, sorting, and collecting files all day lo [...]
Retirement. It’s something not many retiring lawyers want to talk about, especially as they near the end of their career. Is your transition plan in place? Do you have enough funds to cover your retir [...]
How do you begin to look for scanning services in Toronto? If you’re a local GTA business owner, doctor, or lawyer, you may be interested in trying to looking to make the switch to digital files for m [...]
Considering a paperless office? An office is like a machine. Oftentimes, we think it has to have several key components in order to run smoothly: a front-end that manages and a back-end that organizes [...]
What is document management? What is records management? Do you need both, or just one? And how do you know which is more valuable? Making the decision to digitize your files is only the very first st [...]